
Agropolis Fondation




Scientific structuring platform LipPolGreen
Characterization of plant lipids and hydrophobic polymers for a green and sustainable chemistry


A international extension of LipPolGreen funded by Agropolis Fondation

A project of international extension of the LipPolGreen plaform has been funded by Agropolis Fondation in the framework of its "Open Science 2012" program.
This extension will open during autumn 2013, hosted by the CIRAD IATE / Kasetsart University Joint Laboratory of biochemistry and technology of natural rubber, in Bangkok (Thailand).

The LipPolGreen-Asia extension will be more particularily oriented toward the study of tropical biomass. As a complement to the Montpellier LipPolGreen platform, LipPolGreen-Asia will provide various analytical tools for the stabilization and the pre-characterization of samples (centrifuge, lyophilizer, HPLC-MS, GC-MS, GC-FID, 1D and 2D electrophoresis).

LipPolGreen platform, Montpellier SupAgro, UMR IATE bâtiment 33, 2 Place Viala, 34060 Montpellier cedex 1, France
email : - tel. +33 4 99 61 23 64