Activity 10B : « Wheat/maize » model – Displaying dual values

Length : around 15 minutes

The objective of this exercise is to display the dual values of equations in a results table which will be presented using the Display command. Consider the following statement of the modelled problem :

 « A given farm can grow two types of crop : wheat and maize. The area to be cultivated must be determined for each crop, knowing that :
The objective of the farmer is to maximize his income.
Wheat yields 450€ per hectare, maize 1000€.
Wheat requires 25 hours of labour per hectare and per year, and maize 50 hours.
The farm area is 50 ha and the farmer can work 2000 hours a year.

But he can hire hourly workers who get paid 15€ per hour. »

Run the primal2.gms model (download it here : or from the Model Library), and save it under a different name (for example primal2_result.gms). Add the command lines in order to have the following display :

INCOME 42500
LAND 50  250
LABOUR 2000 15
