Unit 2.1 : Enriching the base model

Welcome to the first unit of the second sequence on mathematical programming.
From this sequence on, many lessons will be divided into several learning stages with a video of the theoretical contents, an example/exercise to try and do on your own and a self-correction video in GAMS. You may download the slides at any step. Model construction activities may use models already written in a previous unit. If you have not done the activity in question, you may find the relevant model in the “Model Library”.

Lesson 11 : Representing technologies
Two-dimensional tables and variables

(15 min)
boutonqcm1Quiz 11 ! 
: A. Adding technologies and a new crop
  B. Adding a new constraint and displaying results per technology
:  C.i. Introducing several technologies
ii. Analyzing sensitivity to prices
Lesson 12 : Constraints per period 
Three-dimensional tables
video(10 min)
: A.i. Adding periods
ii. Displaying results
   : B.i. Loosening a constraint in a multi-periodical model
ii. Displaying results
Lesson 13 : Market access and overcoming constraints

Model status

video(7 min)
: Loosening all constraints
Lesson 14 : Importing and exporting data and results

Excel/GAMS interface

video(9 min)
  : Importing data