Unit 3.1 : Modelling risk

Welcome to the first unit of the third sequence on mathematical programming.
For each lesson, we suggest that you watch a video of the theoretical contents and download the slides of the lesson using the matching links. In this lesson on the notion of risk, nearly every lesson comes with an activity-example which we encourage you to do in depth. Each of these will be followed by a detailed correction of the example.

Each lesson then contains one or several activities. The model construction activities may use models already described in a previous unit. If you have not done the activity in question, you may find the relevant model in the “Model library”.

Lesson 21 : Agriculture, a risky activity
 video(12 min)
  boutonqcm1Quiz 21 !
activiteBRouage : Studying income variability
Lesson 22 : Safety-First 
video(6 min)
activiteBRouage : Safety First 
Lesson 23 : Expectation – Standard deviation
Model type (NLP, MIP, MINLP) and writing the square and square root (SQR et SQRT)
video(10 min)
activiteBRouage : Expectation/standard deviation
Lesson 24 : Chance Constrained Model and Target-MOTAD 
video(9 min)
activiteBRouage : Target-MOTAD
Lesson 25 : Reminder of the expected utility function
                                              video( 9 min)   
Lesson 26 : Maximizing a utility function
video(7 min)
activiteBRouage : Using a CARA utility function